At The Mercantile, We offer many services from repairs, delivery, UPS shipping, and rentals, Our knowledgeable staff would be happy to assist you. Contact us for more information.
If you only use a carpet cleaner occasionally, save money and get professional results by renting one of our Rug Doctor machines. We carry wide and regular-width carpet cleaners, and various sprays and cleaning solutions to meet your needs. The Rug Doctor cleans carpets and upholstery thoroughly, deeply, and quickly. It’s easy to use and gets the dirt and dust your vacuum doesn’t. Rentals are for 24 hours. Ask to extend your rental to 48 hours for just $10 extra.
A live trap is the most humane way to remove unwanted wildlife from your property. We have a selection of Havahart cage traps that let you capture and relocate animals, such as squirrels or raccoons, without hurting them. These traps are durable, safe, and very effective.
We’re a proud UPS Authorized Shipping Outlet, offering fast, reliable, and convenient shipping solutions, from local deliveries to international destinations. For your convenience, our store is open 7 days a week.
Save yourself the trip by taking advantage of our delivery options. Call us today to find out more about pricing. We deliver the following items throughout Phelps and the surrounding area.
Fixing a flat tire is quick and easy when you bring it to The Mercantile! We repair tires on vehicles, lawn and garden equipment, and even some agricultural equipment.
Need to repair broken glass and torn screens? Just bring it to The Mercantile! Our trained staff provides this valuable in-store repair service.
Keep your tools, lawnmowers, chainsaws, and garden equipment in good condition. Let The Mercantile help! We do repairs, provide replacement parts, and sharpen blades.
As you browse our 70,000 product catalog, make your shopping list & email it to the store with your comments.